Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chestnuts and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

We've recieved a beautiful new broadside from Jessica Spring of Springtide Press and Chandler O'Leary of Anagram Press. Illustrated by O'Leary and printed by Spring in recognition of a woman's right and responsibility to vote. 44 copies (in recgonition of the upcoming election of the 44th president of the United States) were printed by hand at Springtide. A quote from Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who wrote many of the speeches for Susan B. Anthony, graces the broadside, "Come, come my conservative friend wipe the dew off your spectacles and see the world moving."
If only the election process could be as well done as work like this.
Here at Kings Books we always know when autumn has hit full bore. We know by the chestnut tree across the street and from the throngs of local citizens wielding thier brooms and extendable poles slapping at the tree and knocking down the chestnuts to make that Japanese delicacy Ku Ri. That's really taking the local food movement to heart I'd say.

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